Need I mention that what we know about Bohemian Grove we can thank Alex Jones for? If you have never dived into Mark Passio's work I highly recommend it. He use to be a priest in the Church of Satan, but then he had an awakening. Interesting to understand things from his deep perspective, being his lived on both sides of the tracks now. You can find his work on youtube. One of his greats is an 8 hour lecture on Natural Law and then his videos on feminism are an eye opener

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Yes Alex Jones broke into Bohemian Grove and security was increased after that. And yes, Mark Passio is the best reference on Natural Law. I did not know he was a priest in the church of Satan, but now it makes sense that he had access to occult levels of knowledge. I watched it years ago but could do so again. The Satanists use natural law with a twisted interpretation.

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I suppose you have seen how the J6 choir made it to #1 on Billboard and iTunes. ... I'm a huge fan of Tom MacDonald who has risen to stardom not through the standard music industry but all on his own. He had to claw his way onto billboard as billboard has never accepted artists without the 'acceptable' label and backing. HIs songs are full of awakening insights that our younger generation needs to hear.. anyway .. he just did a song with Country Western star John Rich. I know rap is hard for some of us older crowd but when I saw the quality of Tom's character, well, I just got into it. We do need to support all conservative musicians regardless of the genre they come from as long as their message is true and acknowledges God. check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1kLQ7yfY0I

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Thanks, I will.

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These two musicians are bucking and breaking the system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amzygV_0uoY

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Great article. I'm moving it though my social media sites. ... can you elaborate on Marx referring to Satan? I have to admit Ive never read his work.. it takes a special kind of brain damage to get through it that I don't have.. (no offense to you personally) LOL if you had a quote that would be great.

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Marxism, Satanism, and the Worship of Self, an article by Dan Ellsworth, June 2022, provides a good comparison of the ideas Karl Marx and the Church of Satan.

Church of Satan: The idea of worshipping Satan is ridiculous. We worship ourselves first and foremost and we use the Satanic as a metaphor for calling forth the power within ourselves that we find enriching or enlivening. Satan has always been a metaphor of defiance, fortitude against all odds, and self-determination in whatever guises he is represented.

Marxism Assumptions: Society can be dived into two basic lasses, the bourgeois and proletariat. The proletariat, lower class are victims of a social structure of oppression that keeps them alienated, which is conceptualized mainly as being disconnected from the product of one’s labor. The oppressive structure of society is maintained by a superstructure of religion and culture, which blinds and anesthetizes people to their own oppression.

A biography of Marx noted his fixation on a theme of self-supremacy, defiance of God, and his personal loathing for any system that inhibits self-liberation. Marx saw religion as a sign of oppression in a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. There were times when Marx seemed to be possessed by demons, when rage over flowed in him and became poison, and he seemed to enter into a nightmare.

Communism: No other political ideology has produced as much poverty, oppression and violence in country after country. Communism coldly and consistently violates human rights and refuses citizens the right to exit. In some cases, they fence in the masses with walls, encircled with secret police carrying automatic weapons.

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