Biden and the Democrat Party henchmen’s draconian control plan to place kill switches in all new cars by 2026 must be stopped! For anyone knowledgeable about freedom and sovereignty, the potential loss of ability to travel makes the previous pandemic lockdowns look like a trail of crumbs on the path to slavery. I have been very suspicious about ulterior motives of the California plan for all electric cars in the name of climate change, so here is the real agenda. It’s obvious that the electrical grids are not powerful enough to support recharging of all vehicles either and lithium batteries have multiple weaknesses actually harmful to the planet and humanity.
There is no more time for ignorant bliss and limiting our actions to personal needs when the lives of all humans on the planet are at stake. Realities must be confronted about those who are trying to destroy us. The war must be fought with knowledge, courage, conviction and faith in our God given right to freedom. Don’t pretend that some person or angel is going to fix things without us doing our share to save ourselves. We can change the trajectory by speaking out, by not complying, by claiming our sovereignty, and by standing up for our natural law rights. Make it a mission and a purpose in life to fight for freedom, not just stand by passively as an observer and pay a heavy price for passivity.
Below are two articles published at TURF disclosing the kill switch law signed by Biden who refers to it as a “safety device.” This is not controversy, even mainstream news is revealing it as an example of federal government running amuck, once former US Representative Bob Barr warned about its dangers publicly in December. Texas state Rep. Byron Slaton has filed House Bill 1031 to protect Texas drivers from installation of a remote kill switch in their vehicles.
TURF bill to prevent remote kill switches in cars gets filed, December 19 press release on the website TURF, Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom, found at Here is the article.
HB 1031 will prevent mandate in Biden infrastructure bill from taking effect in Texas.
December 19, 2022 — Austin, Texas) Today, Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom (TURF) and Texans for Toll-free Highways (TTH), PAC, announce the filing of House Bill 1031 authored by Rep. Bryan Slaton (R - Royse City), to protect Texas drivers from a remote kill switch being installed in their vehicles. President Joe Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) mandates that all vehicles must have a remote kill switch after 2026 (Sec 2422). This technology can be activated by vehicle manufacturers and anyone who gains control of the technology, including the government.
TURF first learned of this technology in the federal bill when Applied Economics Professor Levi Russell of the University of Kansas's Brandmeyer Center wrote about it in an article for Real Clear Energy in May. Russell notes that repealing this mandate should be a top priority of the new congress. The implications are enormous.
“These corporations can sell you a product for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, then prevent you from using them. Worse yet, if the law is not challenged or repealed, these kill switches will have a ‘back door’ that allows government agencies to shut your vehicle off remotely as well,” warns Russell.
TURF spent time in Washington D.C. in July to alert members of congress of this little known provision, and quickly brought it to the attention of Texas lawmakers who got to work on how to protect Texans from this government overreach and potential nanny state government surveillance taking root in Texas.
“After the COVID lockdowns, there can be no question about how far government will go to exercise power over our citizens’ freedom of movement. With the push to end fossil fuels and mandate electric vehicles, the rise of government tracking of carbon emissions under the Biden administration (the new DOT rule), and the pilot federal mileage tax, the government is closing in on forms of a social scoring system that can be weaponized against drivers anytime the government determines you’re using too much carbon or otherwise deemed uncooperative with its edicts. Texas has to stand its ground and say ‘No’ to such surveillance state tactics. We intend to keep the Lone Star State free of such overreach,” relates Terri Hall, Founder and Director of both TURF and TTH.
Slaton concurs, ”The idea that the federal government or an international mega-corporation would have the ability to decide when, where and if private citizens can operate their own personal vehicles is not only preposterous, but it is deeply antithetical to the principals of a free country.”
TURF & TTH’s legislative priorities include ending:
· Federal mandates that effect Texans’ freedom to movement, like the federal mandate to install remote kill switches in all vehicles after 2026.
· Any form of ‘road diet’ that shrinks lane widths or road capacity.
· The expansion of toll systems – a multi-leveraging scheme that builds debt and cost to highways.
· The extension of pay-off dates for toll debt, increasing costs to taxpayers.
· The running of our public infrastructure by foreign corporations; and
Criminal penalties (blocking vehicle registration, impounding cars) and imposing unfair fines and fees on drivers, making it even harder to pay toll bills.
Here is the May 10, 2022 article by Levi Russell, a professor at the University of Kansas’s Brandmeyer Center for Applied Economics. His website is at www.realclear
Joe Biden Is Threatening Our Freedom of Movement
The federal gov’t and Silicon Valley are looking to clamp down on your freedom of movement. Your ability to move about as you please does not fit with their goals for the future of our world. Automotive-related freedoms, including access to fuel, allow us to be free to move without the permission of Silicon Valley and the federal government. Automotive freedoms are not only hobby related; they are essential to preventing yet another step along the road to serfdom at the hands of woke corporations and federal bureaucrats.
Biden recently signed into law a requirement that all vehicles produced after 2026 be fitted with a remote kill switch. Electric vehicles are already equipped with this capability via internet-connected “superchargers.” These corporations can sell you a product for tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, then prevent you from using them. Worse yet, if the law is not challenged or repealed, these kill switches will have a “back door” that allows government agencies to shut your vehicle off remotely as well.
With conservatives slowly waking up to the reality that corporate managers are not on our side, this should be among our top concerns. Internal combustion vehicles, so far, are free of the sorts of nanny state controls that are standard on electric vehicles, so preserving our access to gasoline and diesel fuel is an absolute necessity
Right to repair is also an important issue. It is not, as some techno-authoritarians claim, a simple matter for tinkerers. Rather, it is a critical component of our ability to maintain freedom of movement. Right to repair ensures that we are able to hire independent professionals to repair our vehicles and other products rather than being forced to pay astronomical prices to manufacturers.
Now that the environmental superiority of electric vehicles is being called into question, the real agenda behind climate hysteria is clear: climate change fear mongers want us poorer and unable to travel and commute as we see fit. As the Biden administration’s intentional policy of high gas prices hits the average American in the pocket book, it’s important to note that the cost of EV batteries is also rising. Subsidized demand for these batteries has led to a massive increase in the prices of conflict minerals, such as lithium and cobalt, that make up these batteries.
There is no evidence that the actual cost of electric vehicles will be dramatically lower than those of internal combustion vehicles. Currently the average price of an electric vehicle is $56,000. What does this say about your ability to travel freely in the coming years if the federal government effectively bans our use of internal combustion vehicles?
Further, the left is turning a blind eye to the horrifying human rights record associated with cobalt and lithium mining. Child slavery, extremely poor working conditions, and poisoned rivers are just a few of the problems that plague the extraction of these minerals. One could reasonably ask the Biden administration why the American public is being forced to subsidize the horrifying human rights record associated with the mining of these resources.
Though the near-magical power of innovation is an article of faith for many, technological change does not always benefit the average person. There is nothing inevitable about these so-called innovations or the politically-driven subsidies that enable them. There is nothing inevitable about the burdens that this technological change will put on the average person. We need only have the courage of our convictions, combined with the backing of knowledgeable groups like the SEMA Action Network, to ensure that we are not forced to subsidize real environmental hazards, human rights abuses, and the restriction of our own freedom of movement.